Computed Copy

The process of “Computed Copy” is as follows. First, scan the garment and get the 3D images of it. Second, make flat patterns with printed images by using a software which can do this automatically, and finally put the parts by sewing them.
Although there is a traditional way of designing flat patterns which considers the movement of the body and characteristics of the material, computers design it in a totally different way, because they recognize the 3D shape as a polygon which is a collective form of flat faces.
Our purpose for this “Computed Copy” is not only to make some distortion which humans cannot produce, but also to make garments which are not just “copy” and have the alternative creativity. By removing humans’ arbitrariness as much as possible from the process of copying designs, and by letting computers do it, we can create a new kind of designing system.
In the future, we think that it will be possible to copy a garment only with the image files on the internet without scanning actual things, thanks to the rapid development of 3D technology (scanning, modeling, and printing) and a flood of images on the internet. We expect that this work will be the fastest automated way of copying the designs as the final destination of fast fashion.

Computed Copyはデザインのコピーのプロセスにおいて、可能な限り人間のデザインに対する恣意性を排除し、コンピュータに演じさせることで、人の手からは発生し得ないデザインの歪みを生成し、単なるコピーではない別の創造性を持った洋服を制作することを目的としている。

by (Nukeme, So KANNO, yang02)


2014 Materializing 2 (The University Musium, Tokyo University of the Arts) 


Selected Works

Lasermice dyadinstallation

Kazokutchia-life NFT robot

Lasermice ensemblesperformance



Yarn Recorderexperimental device


Asemic LanguagesInstallation

Glitch Knithacking / knitting

Jamming Geargadget

Objets of soundinstallation

Technophone Kitgadget / workshop

Computed Copyclothing

Captured DesireSculpture

turntable sequencerInstallation

slit movie sequencerInstallation

bells in the waterInstallation